
Way of eating Burger to judge personality
Normally,there are three ways of eating a burger,which is yours?
A: 先吃边缘(Eat the side of the burger first)
B: 第一口就是先咬一大口(the first bite is the biggest bite of all)
C: 把包装纸拆开一半,才吃第一口(tear the paper around it first then bite it)

Are u friendly enough?
One day,when u have a fight with your partners,the next day,he/she send u a parcel,what would u think it is according to your sense?
A: 昂贵的皮件(Expensive leather stuff)
B: 一定有诈,可能是便便(might be just a tricks,there's shxx inside)
C: 过去的情书和礼物(the love letters and oso present between both of u)
D: 就只是空箱子(jz an empty box)
E: 温馨的小礼物(sweet and memorable little present)

3. 你的自我意识到底强不强烈??
How clear you know your own behaviour?
If there's a makeup cabinet in front of u and u have to choose one of the following thing to put on it,what would it be?
A: 洋娃娃(doll)
B: 高级香水(Expensive Perfume)
C: 精美的相框(Nice Photo frame)
D: 小枱灯(little lamp)
E: 花瓶(vase)

4. 你是个体贴的情人吗?
Are you a caring lover?
Ques:与情人约在咖啡馆里碰面,你到的时候发现时间还早, 如果店里有书架,你会选择什么书来看呢?
When u went for a date with your lover and the time is still early,there's book shelves in the cafe,which book would u choose to read?
A: 小说(novel)
B: 报纸(newspaper)
C: 漫画书(comic)

最后一题了!Last Question!!
When you are jealous,what would u do?
After coming back from a camping with your partners and in the photo both of you took,there's a faceless spirit,where do u think the spirit would appear in the photo?
A: 烤肉架旁边(beside the BBQ stove)
B: 两个人中间(in between both of u)
C: 后面的树林中(in the middle of the jungle behind)
D: 帐棚旁边(beside the tent)
E: 你或恋人旁边(beside you or your partner)

The analysis will be in my next post!!


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